Thank you for downloading DSGNR.

This is a mini guide that can help you set up your DSNGR Template.

  1. Understanding how Framer works is essential. Framer offers a ton of tutorials, but also our customer support team is always available to help with any questions or issues you may encounter.

<aside> 💡 Doesn't know how to use Framer? I'm a certified Framer Expert and offer personalized solutions through Contra. Hire me.


  1. DSGNR contains pre-set typography (Inter), layout structure, colors, and schemes that can be modified in the Assets section. It saves time and ensures consistency throughout the portfolio.

Inter - Google Fonts

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  1. Use the CMS feature to update your case studies. Feel free to add as many case studies as you want by clicking on + Add. Take advantage of the content field and fill out with useful information about your project.

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  1. Make sure you hide the “Get this template for free” button. Go to your Layers section > find the Button component > right-click on it and click on Hide.

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